/ 中存储网


2014-04-07 13:12:01 来源:itjs.cn
The Apache service named  reported the following error:

>>> (OS 10048)Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.  : make_sock: could not bind to address  

The Apache service named  reported the following error:

>>> no listening sockets available, shutting down    

The Apache service named  reported the following error:

>>> Unable to open logs 


打开cmd,输入netstat -a -n -o,就会显示出使用端口的进程pid,然后在进程管理器中查看相应的进程,默认情况下windows的进程管理器是不显示pid的,你可以通过在[查看]->[选择列]中选种查看pid,然后进程查看器中就会显示pid了 目前发现有几个程序是有时会占用这个端口的:pplive,skype,或者在杀毒软件瑞星关闭了连接网络功能.