/ 中存储网


2015-02-07 00:00:00 来源:中存储网



sudo aptitude install squashfs-tools genisoimage获取官方的系统:Download an official Desktop CD from http://releases.ubuntu.com/

UCloner 是针对 Ubuntu Linux 编写的一个系统备份、恢复、克隆、批量部署工具;

可将 ubuntu 系统备份为 squashfs 映像文件,也可从映像文件中恢复系统,与 GHOST 类似;


可用来制作 Live 系统;


UCloner 是开源软件,遵循 GPL v2 协议。项目主页: http://code.google.com/p/ucloner/



target_file_0="$target_dir/ubuntu-cloner-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)"



 newhostname="$oldhostname-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)"



接下来介绍具体的操作步骤,要用到的东西还有ubuntu-9.04-desktop-amd64.iso,就是ubuntu的live CD。自己根据自己使用的版本进行调整。在接下来的步骤中,用户名为kangho,Ubuntu cloner修改后的文件被放在/home/kangho/Public/clone/。



(3)使用ubuntu cloner备份系统。这里备份为/home/kangho/Public/systembak.tar或者/home/kangho/Public/systembak.squashfs。


www@linux-desktop:~$ cd /home/kangho/clone/

www@linux-desktop:~$ history -c && rm /home/kangho/.bash_history && sudo ./ubuntu-cloner-gui.py





www@linux-desktop:~$ mkdir mnt
www@linux-desktop:~$ sudo mount -o loop ubuntu-9.04-desktop-amd64.iso mnt/

www@linux-desktop:~$ mkdir extract-cd
www@linux-desktop:~$ rsync --exclude=/casper/filesystem.squashfs -a mnt/ extract-cd


www@linux-desktop:~$ sudo unsquashfs mnt/casper/filesystem.squashfs

www@linux-desktop:~$ sudo mv squashfs-root edit

<5>在要生成新的/casper/filesystem.squashfs 的文件夹edit中添加文件夹/home/kangho/Public/clone

www@linux-desktop:~$ sudo mv Public/clone/ edit

www@linux-desktop:~$ sudo mksquashfs edit extract-cd/casper/filesystem.squashfs -nolzma

www@linux-desktop:~$ cd extract-cd/
www@linux-desktop:~/extract-cd$ sudo rm md5sum.txt
www@linux-desktop:~/extract-cd$ find -type f -print0 | sudo xargs -0 md5sum | grep -v ./isolinux/ | grep -v ./md5sum.txt | sudo tee md5sum.txt


www@linux-desktop:~/extract-cd$ sudo mkisofs -D -r -V "$IMAGE_NAME" -cache-inodes -J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o ../ubuntu-9.04-desktop-amd-custom.iso .





<2>若原来硬盘没有分区则ubuntu启动后要适用system->administration->Partition Editor进行分区。建立一个主分区(ext3...)来安装文件系统,建立一个扩展分区来添加一个swap分区(更多关于分区的知识自己搜索一下)。


cd /clone

sudo ./ubuntu-cloner-gui.py启动ubuntu cloner进行安装。一旦要保留原来/home(包含桌面)中的文件在安装过程中选择使用原来文件系统不格式化。


ubuntu clone command line


How to Customise the Ubuntu Desktop CD


这篇文章重点讲述制作光盘的过程,其它不明白的可以自己查询一下。此方法在不影响原来live cd功能的前提下为光盘添加系统克隆功能。

此方法的产生要感谢debian ,ubuntu ,ubuntu cloner的所有开发人员。

Ubuntu clone command line

www@linux-desktop:~$ mkdir mnt
www@linux-desktop:~$ sudo mount -o loop ubuntu-9.04-desktop-amd64.iso mnt/
[sudo] password for kangho:
www@linux-desktop:~$ mkdir extract-cd
www@linux-desktop:~$ rsync --exclude=/casper/filesystem.squashfs -a mnt/ extract-cd
www@linux-desktop:~$ sudo unsquashfs mnt/casper/filesystem.squashfs

created 86655 files
created 12774 directories
created 14622 symlinks
created 95 devices
created 2 fifos
www@linux-desktop:~$ sudo mv squashfs-root edit
www@linux-desktop:~$ sudo mv Public/clone/ edit
www@linux-desktop:~$ sudo mksquashfs edit extract-cd/casper/filesystem.squashfs -nolzma
Parallel mksquashfs: Using 2 processors
Creating little endian 3.1 filesystem on extract-cd/casper/filesystem.squashfs, block size 131072.
[==========================================================] 134112/134112 100%
Exportable Little endian filesystem, data block size 131072, compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, duplicates are removed
Filesystem size 3722329.22 Kbytes (3635.09 Mbytes)
    50.67% of uncompressed filesystem size (7346727.01 Kbytes)
Inode table size 1238621 bytes (1209.59 Kbytes)
    30.47% of uncompressed inode table size (4065536 bytes)
Directory table size 1098713 bytes (1072.96 Kbytes)
    46.88% of uncompressed directory table size (2343642 bytes)
Number of duplicate files found 7755
Number of inodes 114158
Number of files 86663
Number of fragments 6653
Number of symbolic links  14622
Number of device nodes 95
Number of fifo nodes 2
Number of socket nodes 0
Number of directories 12776
Number of uids 13
    root (0)
    kangho (1000)
    syslog (101)
    daemon (1)
    polkituser (109)
    libuuid (100)
    man (6)
    avahi-autoipd (104)
    gdm (105)
    news (9)
    messagebus (108)
    hplip (103)
    klog (102)
Number of gids 28
    video (44)
    audio (29)
    tty (5)
    kmem (15)
    disk (6)
    adm (4)
    daemon (1)
    dip (30)
    fuse (104)
    shadow (42)
    ssl-cert (105)
    messagebus (117)
    crontab (107)
    mail (8)
    lpadmin (106)
    mlocate (108)
    utmp (43)
    ssh (109)
    games (60)
    polkituser (118)
    root (0)
    staff (50)
    libuuid (101)
    src (40)
    admin (121)
    avahi-autoipd (110)
    gdm (111)
    klog (103)
www@linux-desktop:~$ cd extract-cd/
www@linux-desktop:~/extract-cd$ sudo rm md5sum.txt
[sudo] password for kangho:
www@linux-desktop:~/extract-cd$ find -type f -print0 | sudo xargs -0 md5sum | grep -v ./isolinux/ | grep -v ./md5sum.txt | sudo tee md5sum.txt[sudo] password for kangho:
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44592c887ab4f94f9e7b76480bc2c542  ./.disk/release_notes_url
5d29e2abb66c7294c9e4c46f21e462af  ./.disk/info
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  ./.disk/base_installable
728cb968a88534e0c50a9d99621f13eb  ./.disk/cd_type
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c5253c22919dd7488c8707500e6e22e3  ./pool/main/f/fakeroot/fakeroot_1.12.1ubuntu1_amd64.deb
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ae8f4954ef9ba9545e1be9f4ed9d5970  ./pool/main/d/dpkg/dpkg-dev_1.14.24ubuntu1_all.deb
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62bf7841341b7faa69062fd0095af116  ./autorun.inf
da122147bcb072072d6e622d8344681d  ./dists/jaunty/Release
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bbfac8b2125ce252452085e5bc55c84f  ./dists/jaunty/restricted/binary-amd64/Packages.gz
e6b47487809d09ca1129aa2517fde341  ./dists/jaunty/Release.gpg
c4ecf3e556aeb8d4e8212c698fa245a7  ./dists/jaunty/main/binary-amd64/Release
57974abe2cc42cb29de3a555cbf51d93  ./dists/jaunty/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz
2f960818acec5db2e9a71ca548f2a330  ./preseed/ltsp.seed
58ecec6e877f0c1421fa72ce34463ee2  ./preseed/cli.seed
3ff536968054350ee5d0f890b139d99b  ./preseed/ubuntu.seed
fd6082a7bbc93a4515f013f556ca91b8  ./README.diskdefines
77d3c919ec675744c1a7d9ef5c7e915e  ./casper/filesystem.manifest
d15243d1203d0aecf187ff969d6764ea  ./casper/vmlinuz
7b5b032b9d575f4c3d13e1e258a06765  ./casper/filesystem.squashfs
090801c7b801aab7d53d11ddfb0fce4a  ./casper/initrd.gz
d7254573e29d052ea23553b23dbcc640  ./casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop
61165910a20f9909b60c3ea7f7d4526c  ./wubi.exe
eec8526b7467a84940f31e6ae7cd97d4  ./install/mt86plus
cde56251d6cae5214227d887dee3bab7  ./pics/red-upperleft.png
a025c46d5daf227adfda51d81eb90f25  ./pics/blue-upperleft.png
461cbc7ff94fdea8008cab34b611abb8  ./pics/blue-upperright.png
3c129ee10f707bd9dec10209d28840eb  ./pics/red-upperright.png
16ff51c168405e575d32bae001f280e4  ./pics/debian.jpg
0730e775a72519aaa450a3774fca5f55  ./pics/red-lowerleft.png
20d4bdecfa6d980d663fb5b93d37a842  ./pics/red-lowerright.png
9e18ae797773b2677b1b7b86e2aff28d  ./pics/blue-lowerright.png
cd8aa5e7fa11b1362ef1869ac6b1aa56  ./pics/blue-lowerleft.png
92091902d3ca753bb858d4682b3fc26b  ./pics/logo-50.jpg

www@linux-desktop:~/extract-cd$ sudo mkisofs -D -r -V "$IMAGE_NAME" -cache-inodes -J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o ../ubuntu-9.04-desktop-amd-custom.iso .
I: -input-charset not specified, using utf-8 (detected in locale settings)
Size of boot image is 4 sectors -> No emulation
  0.27% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:00:15 2010
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 32.30% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:28 2010
 32.56% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:30 2010
 32.83% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:29 2010
 33.10% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:27 2010
 33.36% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:29 2010
 33.63% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 33.90% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:30 2010
 34.17% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:29 2010
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 35.23% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:28 2010
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 36.03% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:30 2010
 36.30% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:29 2010
 36.57% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 36.83% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:30 2010
 37.10% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:32 2010
 37.37% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 37.63% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:30 2010
 37.90% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:32 2010
 38.17% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 38.44% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:30 2010
 38.70% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:29 2010
 38.97% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:33 2010
 39.24% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:35 2010
 39.50% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:34 2010
 39.77% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:35 2010
 40.04% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:34 2010
 40.30% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:33 2010
 40.57% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:35 2010
 40.84% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:34 2010
 41.11% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:33 2010
 41.37% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:35 2010
 41.64% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:34 2010
 41.91% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:35 2010
 42.17% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:34 2010
 42.44% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:36 2010
 42.71% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:35 2010
 42.97% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:34 2010
 43.24% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:36 2010
 43.51% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:35 2010
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 51.51% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:32 2010
 51.78% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:34 2010
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 60.32% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:32 2010
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 68.06% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:33 2010
 68.33% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:32 2010
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 68.86% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 69.13% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:32 2010
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 70.20% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
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 71.00% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
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 71.53% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
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 72.07% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:30 2010
 72.33% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
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 73.13% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 73.40% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 73.67% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:30 2010
 73.94% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 74.20% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 74.47% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:30 2010
 74.74% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 75.00% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:30 2010
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 75.80% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:30 2010
 76.07% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 76.34% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 76.60% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:30 2010
 76.87% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 77.14% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:32 2010
 77.41% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 77.67% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 77.94% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:32 2010
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 78.47% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
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 79.01% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 79.27% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
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 80.07% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 80.34% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 80.61% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 80.87% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:32 2010
 81.14% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 81.41% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:32 2010
 81.68% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:32 2010
 81.94% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 82.21% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
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 82.74% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 83.01% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
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 83.54% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 83.81% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 84.08% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 84.35% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 84.61% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:32 2010
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 85.41% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:30 2010
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 87.28% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
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 88.08% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 88.35% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 88.62% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 88.88% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
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 90.48% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:30 2010
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 91.02% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 91.28% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 91.55% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 91.82% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
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 93.15% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
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 94.22% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:30 2010
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 95.29% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 95.56% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 95.82% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 96.09% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 96.36% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:30 2010
 96.62% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 96.89% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 97.16% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:30 2010
 97.42% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:30 2010
 97.69% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 97.96% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:30 2010
 98.22% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 98.49% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 98.76% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
 99.02% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
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 99.83% done, estimate finish Sat Oct 30 17:02:31 2010
Total translation table size: 2048
Total rockridge attributes bytes: 23912
Total directory bytes: 112424
Path table size(bytes): 738
Max brk space used 42000
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