/ 中存储网


2015-01-28 00:00:00 来源:中存储网

改变文件权限使用命令:chmod 777 filename
然后才可以使用输入:./xxx.sh 执行安装操作

www@linux-desktop:/$ cd home/zyx/Downloads/
www@linux-desktop:~/Downloads$ ls
jdk-6u25-nb-7_0-linux-ml.sh   netbeans-7.0-ml-cpp-linux.sh 
www@linux-desktop:~/Downloads$ chmod 777 jdk-6u25-nb-7_0-linux-ml.sh

输入:./jdk-6u25-nb-7_0-linux-ml.sh 执行安装操作

www@linux-desktop:~/Downloads$ ./jdk-6u25-nb-7_0-linux-ml.sh
Configuring the installer...
Searching for JVM on the system...
Preparing bundled JVM ...
Extracting installation data...
Running the installer wizard...


www@linux-desktop:~/Downloads$ ls

jdk-6u25-nb-7_0-linux-ml.sh  netbeans-7.0-ml-cpp-linux.sh
www@linux-desktop:~/Downloads$ chmod 777 netbeans-7.0-ml-cpp-linux.sh
www@linux-desktop:~/Downloads$ ./netbeans-7.0-ml-cpp-linux.sh
Configuring the installer...
Searching for JVM on the system...
Java SE Development Kit (JDK) was not found on this computer


JDK 6 is required for installing the NetBeans IDE. Make sure that the JDK is properly installed and run installer again.
You can specify valid JDK location using --javahome installer argument.

To download the JDK, visit http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads
You can specify valid JDK location using --javahome installer argument.


Java SE Development Kit (JDK) was not found on this computer
2.可指定--javahome installer argument路径来解决
You can specify valid JDK location using --javahome installer argument.

执行命令:sh netbeans-7.0-ml-cpp-linux.sh --javahome /home/zyx/jdk1.6.0_25/jre/

www@linux-desktop:~/Downloads$ sh netbeans-7.0-ml-cpp-linux.sh --javahome /home/zyx/jdk1.6.0_25/jre/

Configuring the installer...
Searching for JVM on the system...
Extracting installation data...
Running the installer wizard...
